
Academics Goals

The school's academic goals can be summarised as follows :

To provide a well-rounded education that provides mastery of all subjects and languages (English, Tamil and Hindi).

To enable students to benefit from a trilingual educational system that will go a long way in their future careers.

To train students in logical reasoning and critical thinking and prepare students to develop intellectually.

Our Approach

We regard education as a building process. We build a structure of knowledge and skills in the student's mind that helps him/her grow to become a meaningful part of his/her environment. We provide holistic education that is structured to promote excellence, confidence, and self-esteem. Finally, we believe that the success of an educational institution should be measured by how far it is able to remain true to its values and integrity. The school is a team consisting of administrators, teachers, and students, where everyone has a job to do and are accountable. The progress of each student will be monitored on a regular basis. The monitoring is done to detect learning gaps and address them before proceeding to the next stage.

Teaching Method

Teachers are well experienced with the needed qualifications as per the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) guidelines. In-service training for teachers are provided bi-annually to keep them updated of current developments. Teaching methods have a major influence on how much learning takes place in the class. GPSS follows a system in which lessons alternate between in-classroom learning, individual and group work in a way that it is practically impossible for students to "switch off" in class. Accordingly, students learn more in class and also have time for relaxation and fun in between and after school hours. GPSS' well-structured curriculum has been charted in consultation with leading professional educationists.

School Management Commitee:

School Management Committees or SMCs to build bridge between the community and the school, playing the additional role of providing oversight in schools to ensure all basic requirements of the school are being met as per the Right to Education Guidelines 2009. Fellows will work on strengthening, supporting and improving the level of community engagement in SMCs. SMCs are by vision not just limited to ensuring minimum requirements are met, but can also create enabling conditions to bring stakeholders together towards achieving an effective School Development Plan.