August Newsletter

""August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time." ― Sylvia Plath
08:00 am - 10:00 am

73rd Independence Day

Independence Day was celebrated in GPSS on 15th August 2019. The students and the staff celebrated 73rd Independence Day to pay tribute and remember all the freedom fighters who had contributed and fought for the Independence of India. Indian Flag was hoisted and the children took part in the March parade which was remarkable for them.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

Inter-House Fancy Dress Competition

Co-scholastic activities are equally important for the all-round development. GPSS conducted Inter House fancy dress competition for the students. The purpose of the competition was to develop confidence among the students by giving them an opportunity to get on the stage and speak in front of the audience. Children came dressed up in their colourful costumes and spoke about the character they depicted.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

Medical Camp

"Prevention is better than cure" Health camp was organized at GPSS by a team of doctors. The Health Camps aims to screen all the children present with the help of Volunteers and Doctors. Vaccination was administrated to all the eligible students. GPSS wants the students to be physically fit and sound.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

Inter-School Chess Competition

Hats off to the tots of GPSS for having won the prizes in Inter school open chess competition. Inba S.B from Grade III and Rithan S.B from Grade I participated and won first prize.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

MIYAWAKI - Tree Green

Miyawaki "Biodegradation turns out to be a Magic in GPSS" Biodegradable waste was composed to improve soil condition to plant trees to create green effect and forest.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

Kindergarten Fancy Dress Competition

The fancy dress competition for the tiny tots of KG had been organized on 21st August 2019. They were dolled up in their imaginative ideas. Winners were awarded by the Correspondent.

08:00 am - 10:00 am

Yoga Competition Winners

GPSS is concerned in shaping the young minds. Winners of external yoga competition awarded with certificates and medals.